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Room X  Media

All-in-One Archive Digital Media Cloud Storage Platform 

Learn More 


Hello, we are Room X Media 

One of the UK's fastest-growing digital media archive cloud service providers, offering content management and distribution services.  


Our  RXM Archive Media Cloud Digital  Platform 


What people say 

Gerry – TMS

“We uploaded all our archived materials that we had on all formats from tape to drive to DVD onto the Room X platform, we love it’s simplicity and ease of use and we thoroughly recommend these guys..”


Paul Baker – 3D Studios

 “Having worked in the TV industry as a commercial model maker for over 40years I had lots of boxes filled with tapes and drives of commercials and rushes from shoots and campaigns going back decades, having now put these on RoomX platform I can now using the simple app show my clients all my previous works and ideas without having to go through boxes and boxes of old materials every time a client asks with the added benefit that some of this material can be re purposed for new campaigns….”


Start your journey with us 

"With all the advances in media over the last 20 yrs one thing has remained constant and that is that content is a valuable asset. However that value is only realized in a monetary sense when the content is available for use and re-use.


We at Room X have been associated with both the broadcast media industry and telecoms sectors for many years and we are now very pleased to be able to offer a service which enables you to easily and securely view, distribute and ultimately monetize and then re-monetize your assets to a wider market without the usual costs and concerns of security of your valuable materials….."

Advantages of cloud storage with Room X Media 

Cloud storage types, workflows, and the benefits  

Contact Us


HQ Covent Garden, London WC2N 

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri

8:00 am – 8:00 pm

Datacentre Berkshire Place , Wharfdale   Road  RG41 65Rd 

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